Do you want to become an affiliated club? Here is a quick checklist for you to complete before you get started with the X following steps.
□ Do you have a Club Name?
□ Do you have a Club Logo?
□ Do you have a club president, secretary and treasurer?
□ Do you have 10 members (can include president, secretary and treasurer)?
□ Do you have a ‘home’ base that is in a suburb that does not offer the same product as an existing club in that area; i.e. mixed, youth, women.
□ Are you committed to maintaining and developing the Spirit of the Game?
□ Will you continue to promote Ultimate in your local area?
If you’ve ticked all of the above boxes then you are ready to begin the Club Affiliation Process.
STEP 1: Please review and understand the Club affiliation Policy here.
STEP 2: Become an incorporated entity as defined by the WA Department of Commerce for incorporated bodies. Information about the incorporation process can be found here.
STEP 3: Apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN). Information about how to obtain an ABN can be found here.
STEP 4: Complete the Club Affiliation Application Form and submit the required evidence to our Development Officer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
. All applications will be presented at the next Western Australian Flying Disc Association committee meeting for approval.
STEP 5: Once approved, make your club affiliation fee payment to the Western Australian Flying Disc Association. Once complete, you are now an affiliated club of the WAFDA. Hooray!
Why should I become an affiliated club? Affiliated clubs will be eligible for the following support from the WA Flying Disc Association:
• Club Website assistance (hosting and design).
• A unique club email address.
• Official affiliation status for peak events such as Australian Ultimate Championships and Australian Ultimate Mixed Championships as required by the Australian Flying Disc Association.
• Official affiliation status for insurance purposes such as access to the Certificate of Currency (as required by the Australian Flying Disc Association).
• Eligibility to enter and be awarded in any club related categories at the annual WAFDA awards.
• Access to WA Flying Disc Association equipment for events (relevant EBF charges applicable).
• Access to promotional support (E.G. event promotion, marketing design, club photoshoot).
• Club development support and access to the annual WAFDA clubs forum.
• Administration support.
• Club only event invites
• Eligibility to host AFDA ‘Ultimate Central’ website events.
For clubs to maintain their affiliation status with the WAFDA they must:
• Submit your club annual survey responses by June 30th annually to maintain affiliation status.
• Have a representative of their club attend the WAFDA Annual General Meeting (AGM)
• Pay the affiliation fee to the Western Australian Flying Disc Association
Clubs who have not fulfilled the tasks for maintaining affiliation status with the WA Flying Disc Association and have not applied for exemption can lose their affiliated status by a motion passed by the WA Flying Disc Association Committee and must re-submit the affiliation process. Clubs may have the right to appeal the decision.
The WAFDA are continuously trying to improve the support that we can offer. If there is anything your club needs help with, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postal Address:
PO Box 222
Street Address:
McGillivray Road
Mount Claremont WA 6010
E-mail: contact@waultimate.com