Download the Affiliation Policy here.
This policy is to outline the requirements Western Australian clubs must fulfil in order to become and remain affiliated with the Western Australian Flying Disc Association (WAFDA).
“Club” any group of 10 or more individuals who meet the eligibility criteria of this policy and who successfully apply for club status. Only affiliated bodies are recognised as Western Australian Flying Disc Association Clubs.
Metropolitan Club – An incorporated group formed with their primary purpose being to grow and develop the sport of Ultimate with their home base located within the Perth metropolitan area
University Affiliated Club – A group or team recognised by a University as being their representative team in Ultimate at sanctioned events.
Regional Affiliated Club – An incorporated group formed with their primary purpose being to grow and develop the sport of Ultimate with their home base located outside the Perth metropolitan area.
An affiliated club operates in a suburb and offers their product to that local community (eg. youth, university, mixed, men’s, women’s). Any other affiliated club that operates in that suburb must not offer the same product/conflicting product. New affiliated clubs wishing to offer a similar product must operate in a non-occupied suburb.
Any group of players may apply to become a club. Potential clubs must submit an application to the WAFDA via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . All applications will be presented at the next Western Australian Flying Disc Association committee meeting for approval and applicants will be notified of the outcome. An application form can be found here.
To achieve affiliation status with the WAFDA, when applying, clubs must adopt, implement and maintain the following criteria:
In order for the WAFDA to continue and improve the support we offer our affiliated clubs, we require all affiliated clubs to pay an annual affiliation fee. Only affiliated clubs need to pay this fee. This is to sponsor the costs of the support that WAFDA provide to their clubs that is outlined in the affiliation policy.
The WAFDA are continuously trying to improve the support that we can offer. If there is anything your club needs help with, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Annual Fees:
Metropolitain Club: $200.00
Regional Club: $100.00
For clubs to maintain their affiliation status with the WAFDA they must:
Clubs who have not fulfilled the tasks for maintaining affiliation status with the WA Flying Disc Association and have not applied for exemption can lose their affiliated status by motion passed by the WA Flying Disc Association Committee and must re-submit the affiliation process. Clubs may have the right to appeal the decision.
Why should I become an affiliated club? Affiliated clubs will be eligible for the following support from the WA Flying Disc Association:
1.1. This policy was approved by the WA Flying Disc Association on 1 October 2017.
1.2. This policy is due for review by the WA Flying Disc Association in July 2018.
Find out how to affiliate with the WAFDA here.
Postal Address:
PO Box 222
Street Address:
McGillivray Road
Mount Claremont WA 6010
E-mail: contact@waultimate.com