This site contains information to help you find out more about everything Ultimate in Western Australia. You can read about the Association, how to get a membership number and where you can play the fastest growing sport world wide!
Lace your boots and dust off your uniform for 2025 as we approach Western Regionals.
As the main single gender lead up event to Nationals we invite our Club teams and those wishing to get a team together for a day of fun to hit the park and register now.
All of the information is below but to start get your team registered and then start adding to your roster.
Team Registrations Close on Friday February 14 and players by Wednesday February 19.
All the information you need will be provided on Registration and then a follow up package will be sent through the week leading up to the event.
Event Information
Team Registration Link - https://membership.mygameday.app/regoform.cgi?formID=117160
Date: Sunday February 23, 2025
Time: 9am to 5pm
Venue: Dianella Open Space, Light Street, Dianella
Team Cost: $50
Player Cost: $35
Any other questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WAFDA is proud to present the 2025 Ultimate events calendar! Check out the dates below and keep your schedules clear:
Events | Division | Date |
WA Regionals | Open/Womens | February 23rd |
WA Beach Championships | Mixed | March 22nd |
WA Indoor Championships | Mixed | July 6th |
Phoenix Has Risen | Mixed | August 30th-31st |
Witch's Hat | Mixed | October 19th |
Santa's Hat | Mixed | December 14th |
Stay tuned for updates on the calendar for events as they are announced.
Witch's Hat is a fun-filled tournament that is all about meeting and playing with new people and the spirit of Ultimate tied to a Halloween theme. Mixed-gender teams are pulled out of a hat and have a mix of players of all experience levels!
When: Sunday 3rd November 2024
Time: 9am - 5pm
Where: Des Penman Reserve, Nollamara
Cost: $25 for Local Adults ($20 for Regional or U18 Players)
REGISTER HERE: https://membership.mygameday.app/regoform.cgi?aID=29322&fID=116557&teamcode=22882296&Temp=
**Registrations Close: Wednesday 30th October 2024**
Format is a Crown Hat. Teams are randomised every match and the event winners are the Male and Female matchup with the most wins.
*** PLUS Individual Events over the course of the day.
Learn more about the history of Witch's Hat: https://waultimate.com/events/tournaments/witchs-hat
The 2024 WAFDA AGM will be held on October 2nd, 2024 at 7pm. Venue is the meeting rooms at Grenville Oval, Tuart Hill - link on Google Maps here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/LFrqhYRMadbAk6qK6
Besides reports from office bearers, the AGM is an opportunity for members to ask questions to WAFDA's committee and to elect people to the Executive Committee positions that are up for re-election. This year, the following positions are up for election:
Any WAFDA member - that is anyone who has paid registration fees for any Ultimate or Disc Golf event in WA in the past year - is eligible to stand for election and to vote.
If you are interested in nominating for one of these positions, please email the WAFDA Secretary Sarah at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating your name and the position/s you want to run for. Nominations are due by COB on Friday September 27th.
It is also possible for members to propose resolutions for consideration by the meeting. These are also due by September 27th.
We hope to see you there!
Recently, you may have seen or registered for events that use Gameday instead of Ultimate Central for sign ups. Gameday is WAFDA's new system for managing membership and competitions, and this post is here to answer some common questions about the platform.
Note that this page is a live FAQ page and will change over time as more common questions emerge. Please be sure to check back here occasionally for updates!
WAFDA is proud to present Phoenix Has Risen 2024, happening on September 7th and 8th at Dianella Regional Open Space!
Phoenix Has Risen is the WA state championship for mixed teams and the qualifying event for Australian Mixed Ultimate Championships Divisions 1 and 2. Phoenix is a mixed team event following Gender Ratio Rule A. As a competitive tournament it is a great way for teams and individuals to gain experience and improve their game.
Here are the details:
Don't miss out on one of the biggest tournaments on the calendar!
Note that this tournament is being run through WAFDA’s new registration system, Gameday. You can use your Gameday account from other sports or will need to create a new account by following the registration link. Captains can invite players to their team to simplify the player registration process.
See you on the field!
Postal Address:
PO Box 222
Street Address:
McGillivray Road
Mount Claremont WA 6010
E-mail: contact@waultimate.com