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In-School Sessions

WA Ultimate provide in-school coaching sessions at primary and high schools within the Perth metro area and regional areas. These classes include an introduction to throwing and basic game concepts. Sessions can be once-off or weekly instalments to assist your Physical Education needs.

The Ulti-Mates is now included in the Sporting Schools Program for primary schools. More information here.


A typical format is 60 minutes, however, the clinics can be tailored to suit your individual school needs, age and number of participants.

If you're thinking "Why should you be playing Ultimate at your school" visit our Why Ultimate page!

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Teacher Professional Development Workshops

WA Ultimate also provides professional development workshops to Primary and High schools within the Perth metro area and where possible, regional areas.

Who is this workshop most suitable for?

This workshop is suitable for primary and high school teachers and professional organisations who are responsible for a school sport or want to introduce a new sport in their PE classes or learning areas.

Workshop Outcomes:

  • Learn to teach basic disc skills, different throws and Ultimate.
  • Introduce attendees to the numerous games and drills that can be played with a flying disc. 

How does Ultimate (Frisbee) fit in with your Physical Education Framework?

  • Skills for physical activity - object control skills, specialised skills, basic to technical skill execution
  • Self Management Skills & Knowledge and Understanding - benefits of physical activity, mental and physical well being
  • Interpersonal skills - Ultimate Frisbee is a self-officiated sport. Participants learn resolution of conflict, coping and communication skills in a team environment. Ultimate (Frisbee) relies on “Spirit of the Game” This places the responsibility for fair play on every player.


A typical format is 90 minutes but workshops can be tailored to suit individual school needs and the number of participants. Workshops can be conducted using an indoor gymnasium or an outdoor oval.

All our Coaching Staff are trained to essential criteria and a Working with Children's check. WA Ultimate will provide all equipment necessary for the session.

Some sessions may incur a travel fee, i.e. regional bookings

Teaching Resources

Many teaching resources have been designed to assist your physical activity and education programs downloadable rule modifications, game variations, lesson plans and more can be found on our Resources page.


WA Ultimate supplies and recommends the Ultra-Star and J-Star discs. The Discraft Ultra-Star is the approved, standard disc used throughout the world for Ultimate, and is suitable for all ages. J-Stars are the junior version of the Ultra-Star. Soft, flexible and fly beautifully. All available equipment can be found on our DISCS page.

Book a Session

To book a session please complete our coaching request form.

If you have any further questions you may contact   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Contact Us

Postal Address:
PO Box 222

Street Address:
McGillivray Road
Mount Claremont WA 6010
E-mail: contact@waultimate.com


How To Register

Not sure how to register for a league or event? Forgot your password?

Visit our handy hints page here.

Comprehensive information guide on our leagues here.