Ultimate is a unique sport that uses a flying disc and combines elements of Soccer, Netball and American Football. This fun sport is a great cardio workout; that also improves hand-eye coordination; and develops new skills such as the backhand, forehand and overhead throws. What makes Ultimate Frisbee most unique is the fact that it is completely self-officiated at all levels of the game, even at World Championships.
Ultimate is a non-contact, self-officiated team sport played with a flying disc (or Frisbee).
Two teams of seven players compete on a playing field about the same length as a soccer field, but narrower. At each end of the playing field there is an end zone. Each team defends one endzone. They score a goal if one of their players catches the disc in the opposite end zone.
The player with the disc is called the thrower. The thrower may not run with the disc. Instead they move the disc by passing to team-mates in any direction.
The defensive team gets possession of the disc if an offensive team’s throw is not caught by a player of the same team. Then the defensive team becomes the offensive team and can try to score in the opposite end zone.
The overriding rule of the sport – Spirit of the Game (SOTG) – encourages players to play fairly and within the rules. SOTG sees participants involved in many differing situations of leadership and conflict resolution that can often be related to everyday life. Ultimate Frisbee encourages an active and healthy lifestyle to all participants.
Download our Play Ultimate Brochure.
Postal Address:
PO Box 222
Street Address:
McGillivray Road
Mount Claremont WA 6010
E-mail: contact@waultimate.com