Perth Ultimate League – League Rules
Condition of Entry
- By registering for the Perth Ultimate League:
- I agree to pay fees when they fall due.
- I agree to read, understand and comply with WAFDA by-laws, policies, codes of conduct and the rules of the Sport.
- I can obtain copies of the by-laws, policies, rules and the code of conduct from the WA Ultimate website (
- This is a COVID Aware and Responsible competition, and a number of public health practices will be enforced. I understand that all participants must adhere to these guidelines as directed by the league and WAFDA officials.
- Teams and players must be registered via the official online registration system specific to the current league they are playing in.
- All players must be registered prior to commencing play for insurance purposes.
- The team captain is responsible for ensuring that the team fee has been paid prior to the commencement of Round three (3) games. A late fee of $75 will be charged if team payment is not made before Round three (3).
- League Fee for Juniors - For all players under the age of 18 at the time of league registration a $10 discount to the team will apply. Captains are responsible for ensuring the discount applies to that player's contribution to the team fee.
- League Fee for WAFDA Board Members - a $25.00 discount to their player fee will apply. Captains are responsible for ensuring the discount applies to that player's contribution to the team fee.
- Teams with outstanding league fees will be ineligible for finals and their players will be ineligible for subsequent leagues until outstanding fees are paid in full.
Rules of Play
The current WFDF Rules of Ultimate: will be adhered to with the following clarifications and modifications:
- Gender Split: Ratio Rule A (“prescribed ratio” rule):
- At the start of the game, after the first disc flip, an additional disc flip happens with the winner selecting the gender ratio for the first point. For the second and third points, the ratio must be the reverse of the first point. For the fourth and fifth points, the ratio must be the same as the first point. This pattern of alternating the ratio every two points repeats until the end of the game (half time has no impact on the pattern).
- Captains may agree at any point in the game to play with a gender split outside of these League Rules, so long as it does not involve more than four (4) players of one gender
- If a team cannot play with the gender-splits prescribed ratio rule, the team can play with a gender split for less than 7 players, so long as it does not involve more than four (4) players of one gender.
- All teams must assign a Captain in the registration system.
- All teams must assign a Spirit Captain in the registration system.
- Teams may appoint an ADMIN role on the registration system to be the contact for team payments.
- Teams must have a minimum roster of 9 players.
- All teams must have at least one (1) player with advanced rules accreditation and at least four (4) team members with standard rules accreditation. Proof to be submitted to the League Director by week three.
Safety – Players:
- Must wear shoes.
- Must not wear steel sprigs.
- Must not wear uncovered jewellery.
Game Conditions
- Perth Ultimate League
- Time cap: Sixty (60) minutes, declared by the League Director.
- Point limit: games are to 15; No half-time break or mirror.
- End of Game: when the time cap is reached, the current point should be completed to conclude the game. Draws are permissible during round-robin play
- Time-outs: Two (2) per team, per game, seventy-five (75) seconds duration. Time outs are allowed after the time cap has been reached.
Score Submission
- Each team must submit their scores at the end of every game. To correctly complete the score submissions, teams must:
- Scores must be submitted within 24 hours of the current game being completed.
- Enter their own score, and the score for the opposing team,
- Nominate two (2) male match-up players and two (2) female match-up players (of the opposing team) for Most Valuable Player (MVP) votes.
- Players are only eligible for MVP votes when playing with their registered team.
- Complete all 5 categories of the Spirit of the Game scoring system
- Scores of "0" or "4" must be justified with at least 2 examples
- Very Low or Very Highs will be highlighted and addressed with those teams involved
- Failure to correctly complete the score sheet may result in a 'Disrespect' penalty being applied.
- Failure to provide MVP votes and Spirit scores for the opposing team will cause your team to receive a Spirit score of zero (0) and your players will be ineligible for MVP votes for that game.
- Disrespect Points:
- Teams that do not correctly complete their online score submission each week.
- A team that accumulates a total of three (3) disrespect points over the league will not be eligible to play in the finals and will be held under review by the WAFDA Executive Board.
- Pick-up Players:
- If a team chooses to use a pick-up player, captains of both teams must agree to allow this and the team using the pick-up player
- A pick-up penalty of two (2) points per player must be applied to the opposition’s score at the START of play
- If this penalty is not applied at the start of the game then it cannot be applied retroactively.
Teams are expected to take the field on time. If a team is unable to field at least five (5) registered players ten (10) minutes after the scheduled game start time, they automatically forfeit the game. If captains agree a game may go ahead, but the score will be reported as a forfeit.
If a team forfeits with less than 24-hour notice a forfeit fee of $70 will be charged to the forfeiting team.
The minimum number of registered players of one gender that a team can field without forfeiting is two (2).
- Teams will forfeit if they field less than five (5) players at any point.
- A Forfeit will result in a 15-nil result game score and "O" for SOTG will be recorded against the forfeiting team.
- A team that accumulates a total of three (3) forfeits over the league will not be eligible to play in the finals.
- The opposition of a forfeiting team will be refunded/discounted $70 for the forfeited game.
Ranking Criteria
- The number of games won, counting only games between the teams that are tied.
- The fewest games forfeited.
- Goal difference, counting only games between the teams that are tied.
- Goal difference, counting games against all common opponents.
- Goals scored per game, counting only games between the teams that are tied.
- Goals scored per game, counting games against all common opponents.
- Each team nominates one player to throw one disc from behind the goal line to the far brick point on a regulation playing field. Throwing order is determined randomly, by disc toss or otherwise. Teams are ranked in order by the distance from the resting place of each disc to the brick point, from closest to furthest
- To be eligible to play in the finals, a player must be officially registered and played for that team in at least four (4) of the round-robin games in the current league.
- Should a team that qualifies for a finals game fail to have enough eligible players, or be ineligible per other rules, they shall forfeit their place to the next ranking team on the League Ladder.
- All teams must confirm with the League Director 5 days prior to the finals that they will field a team for their finals match. If a team cannot field a team they shall forfeit their place to the next ranking team on the League Ladder.
- Placing Games - Wher possible placing games will be played for teams
- Semi and Grand Finals - When the game is completed per division rules if scores are tied then teams play one more point to establish a winner.
- Any disputes are to be raised with the League Director.
- Games may be cancelled in the event of:
- COVID-19 Directives
- Loss of Lights
- Extreme Weather Conditions as deemed by the League Director or WAFDA Executive Board
- Any cancellation of games due to extreme weather will be announced by 3 pm on game day
If a game is abandoned before the end of time due to injury, lightning, or any other reason, the score at the time of abandonment will stand.
- General League Games that are cancelled will have a 1-1 Draw result recorded.
- All efforts are to be made to reschedule Finals that are cancelled.
- If finals cannot be rescheduled results will be finalised and joint rankings will be announced.