"Phoenix Has Risen" is the alternative name given to the WA State Mixed Ultimate Championships. This event has been running in its current form since 1999. Typically held in September each year, this is WA's premier mixed-gender event and is also the recognised qualification tournament for teams wishing to compete at the Australian Mixed Ultimate Championships Division I or Division II events.
State Qualifiers are to be held no later than six (6) weeks prior to Mixed Nationals Div I (To align with AFDA policy these are the latest dates that qualifying events may be held, they can be held prior to these dates).
Phoenix Has Risen is the WAFDA State Mixed Ultimate Championships.
1.1 By registering for Has Risen:
1.1.1 I agree to pay fees when they fall due.
1.1.2 I agree to read, understand and comply with WAFDA by-laws, policies, codes of conduct and the rules of the Sport. I can obtain copies of the by-laws, policies, rules and the code of conduct from the WA Ultimate website (http://www.waultimate.com/wafda/policies).
1.1.3 This is a COVID Aware and Responsible competition, and a number of public health practices will be enforced. I understand that all participants must adhere to these guidelines as directed by the league and WAFDA officials.
1.1.4 All teams must meet the minimum requirement for rules accreditation
1.1.5 All teams must meet minimum uniform requirements
2.1 Teams and players must be registered via the AFDA website (www.afda.com) online registration system specific to the current competition they are playing in.
2.2 All players must be registered and paid all associated competition fees prior to commencing play for insurance purposes.
2.3 Teams are limited to a maximum of 26 registered players to align with WFDF Appendix B1.2
3.1 Fees are set by and approved by the WAFDA Executive Committee.
3.2 The host is responsible for the collection of all fees applicable to the tournament.
4.1 The current WFDF Rules of Ultimate:www.rules.wfdf.org will be adhered to with the following clarifications and modifications:
4.2 Gender Split: Ratio Rule A (“prescribed ratio” rule):
4.2.1 At the start of the game, after the first disc flip, an additional disc flip happens with the winner selecting the gender ratio for the first point. For the second and third points, the ratio must be the reverse of the first point. For the fourth and fifth points, the ratio must be the same as the first point. This pattern of alternating the ratio every two points repeats until the end of the game (half time has no impact on the pattern).
4.2.2 Captains may agree at any point in the game to play with a gender split outside of these rules, so long as it does not involve more than four (4) players of one gender.
4.2.3 If a team cannot play with the gender-splits prescribed ratio rule, the team can play with a gender split for less than 7 players, so long as it does not involve more than four (4) players of one gender.
4.2.4 All teams must assign one Captain on the registration system.
4.2.5 All teams must assign one Spirit Captain on the registration system.
4.2.6 Teams may appoint an ADMIN role on the registration system to be the contact for team payments
5.1 All players on your roster MUST have their STANDARD rules accreditation and a minimum of 6 MUST have the advanced accreditation (this must include your Captain and Spirit Captain).
6.1 Must not wear steel sprigs.
6.2 Must not wear uncovered jewellery.
6.3 Must not wear watches.
6.4 Must wear shoes.
7.1 Points cap: 15
7.2 Time cap: 80 minutes. (110-minute time slots).
7.3 Half time: 5 minutes break after one team has scored 8 points. Mirror start for the second half.
7.4 At time cap: Finish current point. Add 1 to the highest score to establish a win-by-1 target.
7.5 Time-outs: 3 per team, per game, max of 2 per half. 75 seconds each.
8.1 Teams are expected to take the field on time. If a team is unable to field at least five (5) players from their permanent roster ten (10) minutes after the scheduled game start time, they automatically forfeit the game.
8.2 Gender Split alterations must align with rule 4.2
8.3 Teams will forfeit if they field an unpaid player.
8.4 Teams will forfeit if they field less than five (5) players at any point.
8.5 A Forfeit will result in a 15-nil result.
9.1 Each team must submit their score at the end of every game via the online scheduling system.
9.2 For Most Valuable Player (MVP) votes, please select two (2) players from each gender from the opposing team that most improves a team with their ability and attitude.
9.3 All Spirit of the Game scores are to be submitted using the WFDF SOTG system.
10.1 The number of games won, counting only games between the teams that are tied.
10.2 Fewest games forfeited.
10.3 Goal difference, counting only games between the teams that are tied.
10.4 Goal difference, counting games against all common opponents.
10.5 Goals scored per game, counting only games between the teams that are tied.
10.6 Goals scored per game, counting games against all common opponents.
10.7 Each team nominates one player to throw one disc from behind the goal line to the far brick point on a regulation playing field. Throwing order is determined randomly, by disc toss or otherwise. Teams are ranked in order by the distance from the resting place of each disc to the brick point, from closest to furthest
Postal Address:
PO Box 222
Street Address:
McGillivray Road
Mount Claremont WA 6010
E-mail: contact@waultimate.com