This site contains information to help you find out more about everything Ultimate in Western Australia. You can read about the Association, how to get a membership number and where you can play the fastest growing sport world wide!
Time to settle the score! On for Young and Old is a fun mixed mini league!
Sign up in one of the two categories - 23 and under or 24 and over!
Teams will be sorted out and games will be played over the next 4 Wednesdays following the B division games.
Trash talk is mandatory. Random ID checks will occur!
Cost: $20.00 (Casual rate is $5 per game - please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
to specify availability if you can't make all the weeks so teams can be sorted out properly). Register by Tuesday night 24/02/2015. Game on at 8:30pm. Bring a light and a dark shirt. Rego open here:
Postal Address:
PO Box 222
Street Address:
McGillivray Road
Mount Claremont WA 6010
E-mail: contact@waultimate.com