Sam started playingin early 2013 and since then has played locally for the UWA B team in Perth Ultimate Leagues 46 and 47, the State Indoor Championships and Phoenix Has Risen.
Developed a strong passion for the game, and constantly asks questions to senior players in hisenthusiasm to learn more.
Travelled to Singapore to compete at Singapore Mixed Nationals with the UWA B team to train with Singapore teams Shiok and SMU. Attended Mixed nAtionals in Canberra with Happy Pig and was voted Male Rookie of the Year and the B team Most Improved Player at the UWA Ultimate Club wards Night.
Sam is an enthusiastic member of the B team, regularly attended trainings and additional fitness sessions and has used his growing knowledge to teach skills and tactics to new members of his UWA Social league team. He is respectful and positive at all times on the field and has developed a good knowledge of the rules.
Postal Address:
PO Box 222
Street Address:
McGillivray Road
Mount Claremont WA 6010
E-mail: contact@waultimate.com